'Tis the season to Slay, Belles.

Happy Holidays to all my fantabulous sistas! For some people, this is one of the busiest times of the year. Whether you get your party on every day of the Nguzo Saba or travel the Holiday party circuit, these fun, fast and festive styles will ensure that you will be the belle (no -not that Belle! ) of the ball! Check out some fantabulous goodies I found, Enjoy!
Courtesy of Curlgirl Chels
Courtesy of OnlyOneJess
Also, check out Destini on Instagram @thekinksinmyhair! She has awesome hairstyles and tips for the Holidays that are quick and easy.

Grand*Tressa Natural Hair Care Company has everything you need to achieve the ultimate Holiday Hair! Our formulas are free of sulfates, parabens, mineral oils, and other harmful chemicals. Whether you style your hair in a classy updo or a Bantu Knot out, our products deliver time after time. So this year give yourself the gift of a healthy head of hair with Grand*Tressa Natural Hair Care Products . Enjoy free shipping as our Holiday Gift to you! Happy Holidays!

BTW the bloggers and websites you see here are not connected with Grand*Tressa Natural Hair Care Company - I am just passing on great info to great sistas from great sistas!
Wishing you a fantabalous head of hair this holiday season!