Summer is Coming!

Summer is coming and you know what that means: vacations, beaches, long walks in the park . It also means hot humid weather, unrelenting sunshine, and sweating..lots of sweating. Although summer is the season for me, it is not the season for my hair. My twists have a tendency to frizz out quicker and my hair feels drier. I had to learn that as the weather changes, we have to change our products along with it. Here are some tips to keep you looking cool even in the hottest of heat! So Let's begin the Game of Tresses!
HATS One of the easiest ways to protect your hair as well as your skin from harmful UV rays is a big floppy hat. You can wear your hair in a protective style underneath while looking fantabulous all the while. When choosing a hat be careful not to chose brands that will pull the hair (cheap straw hats) or not allow enough ventilation (wool hats) . Ideally the hat should be snug not tight. Here is a tip from one of my favorite naturalistas.. naptural85 on how to choose a hat for natural hair.
PROTECT You can not think of summer without thinking about swimming. Whether you swim at the beach or at the pool, you will need to pay special attention to your hair afterwards. You can get salt water in your hair from the ocean or chlorine from the pool but the results are the same - damage to your tresses. The good news is that over the past few years African American entrepreneurs stepped up to solve this problem. The Company Dreadscapes specializes in swim caps for extra long locs. Swimma is an amazing company that has different sizes caps for the whole family.
DETOX Let's face it. no matter how much you cover your hair, there will be water. You can help to remove chlorine, salt water, and product buildup with a simple apple cider vinegar rinse. Just add one part apple cider vinegar to three parts of water. Rinse your hair with this mixture after you shampoo. I would suggest using a Grand*Tressa's Irish Moss Moisturizing Conditioner afterwards unless you like smelling like a salad.
WASH and GO Another way to minimize dryness in the summer is to step up your wash and go routine. This is my ultimate go -to method because you can actually use the heat of the sun the way you would your dryer to naturally dry your bantu knots, twist and flat twists. It may take longer, but it is ultimately better for your hair. In addition, the chance of you catching pneumonia is small.
The Grand*Tressa Advantage* Since we are a small family operated company, we have the ability to adjust to meet our customers needs. We use different oils and butters in the summer . We produce seasonal products that change with the climate and your hair. This prevents product build up and allows your hair to reach its maximum growth potential. That is the Grand*Tressa Advantage. Check out our Leave in Conditioner, Pre-Poo and Summer Spritz.
If you follow these easy tips you can prevent dryness, breakage and hair loss during these hot and humid summer months. Hair that is moisturized, strong and healthy will reach its maximum growth potential easier and quicker. We would love to hear how you style your hair in the summer months. Drop us a line and let us know!